Sunday, November 29, 2009

Are You Trying to Find a Job?

Are You Trying to Find a Job?


Job hunting is hard if you know what you’re doing.


It can be particularly hard if you don’t.


Your search can go on far longer than it should AND you can wind up with a lousy job for less money than you deserve.




Each day, those 15 million are joined by more.


And, I know you know this, it's tough out there.


You can't afford to learn through trial and error or waste a single interview . . . and many of you need help getting interviews 


Many of you send out resume after resume and wonder why you don't get responses or why you don't get many in-person interviews.

You interview worse than you think.

You come home and have to tell people you didn't get hired or that you think you will be hired . . . and then nothing happens.

In boom times, you may be able to get away with it. In times like these, you can't.


I'm Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter* and I've been a recruiter since 1972.


I want to help you find a job faster so I want to give you a lot for your money


My books, "Get Yourself Hired Now!" and "Get Your Job Search Organized NOW!" have been helping job hunters since right before this depression started.


And they have been helping people!


Now, I want to make a new offer to you.


"Get Yourself Hired NOW!" in both ebook and audio format have been selling for $20 each and "Get Your Job Search Organized NOW!" has sold for $16.


I've now bundled with with my third and fourth book, "No B.S. Job Search Advice" and "The Single Best Question You Should Ask on Any Interview" and I'm selling all of them for $50 and giving you free copies of The International Job Board List and Career Hub's Insider Guide to Resume Writing-- all for $50.


That's 6 ebooks and a 3 CD audio all for $50.



Now if you're curious about my books, go to  and you'll receive a complimentary subscription to No B.S. Job Search Advice Ezine valued at $199, The Monday Kickoff and The Thursday Push valued at $125 and 60 days of job search tips valued at $99 just for checking out these products (remember, you have to enter your real email address to receive them).


Now you can buy any or all of these ebooks individually, in print (in print, they are $23), or for The Kindle (at [Get Yourself Hired NOW, No B.S. Job Search Advice, and The Single Best Question You Should Ask on Any Interview; I don't think the organizer is a good Kindle product]).


They will show you: 

·  Techniques to help you earn far more money and do it much more easily

·  How to plan for your job change and for your career

·  How to enter a company through "the back door," instead of always contacting Human Resources (Would you like to learn the name of the manager to call? I'll show you how to get that, too)

·   They will help you compute your "staying power" in the job market

·   How to figure out what is important in the next job or organization

·   How to find greater job satisfaction than you have known before without compromising your needs

·   How to evaluate and assess a company in which you have interviewed to see if your are a good fit for each other

·   How to write "the new cover letter"

·   How to negotiate salary (most people on know one way—begging; I’ll show you two easy ways)

·   How to give your notice

·   How to find current and past employees of companies you meet with so that   you can easily research them

·   How to find the "meta-job sites" that will save you time and effort

·   How to network well

·   Do you want to know how to have a resume that stands out without it looking stupid?

·   Would you like to know what to do if, after a bunch of interviews, you still don't have a job offer?

·   How about knowing how to track all the resumes you submit so that when the phone rings, you're ready to go?

·   How to work well with recruiters and search firms.

·   Why using a recruiter may make sense for you . . . as long as you keep an eye on them.




I think many of you are in trouble and don't realize it yet and, by the time you do, you'll be in a lot of financial trouble.


Even if you don't buy any of my books, sign up for the 60 days of tips (and act on them), get my ezine and weekly tips.


Job hunting can be easier and you don't have to learn by making mistakes. Get some help . . . sign up for the tips and you get the ezine.


I sincerely hope that they help you with your job search.



Jeff Altman, The Big Game Hunter*



*The term, The Big Game Hunter is a trademark of The Big Game Hunter, Inc, Milford, PA 2007


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